Monday, June 1, 2015

Fun Facts

  • The average American spends 38.5 total days brushing teeth over a lifetime.
  • 60% of people don't know that a sore jaw, when combined with chest pain, can signal a heart attack- especially in women.
  • 73% of Americans would rather go grocery shopping than floss. 
  • Only 40% of young people age 6 to 19 have never had cavities in their lifetimes. That's down from 50% a decade ago.  
  • More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones. 
  • The average woman smiles about 62 times a day! A man? Only 8.
  • Kids laugh around 400 times a day, grown-ups just 15. 
  • Energy drinks have 11% more sugar than regular soda.
  • People who drink 3 or more glasses of soda each day have 62% more tooth decay, fillings, and tooth loss than others. Put down the pop and sports drinks and pick up some nice fresh water instead!
  • In 1994 a prison inmate in West Virginia braided dental floss into a rope, scaled the wall and escaped.  Floss is best used to clean between your teeth instead of climbing prison walls. If you do not floss, you are missing around 35% of your teeth's surfaces with brushing alone.


  1. When you think about the total amount of time we spend brushing our teeth it's pretty crazy! We spend a lot of time and money on our dental hygiene, so it really is important to keep up on your teeth. Regular dentist visits are crucial.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So well written and explained. Interesting, made me want to read. I was looking through dentzz review to find a dentist who can perfectly fix my broken teeth.

  4. Its really fun and informative reading .cosmetic dentist las vegas provide a good surgery.

  5. Brush your teeth twice in a day is best way to prevent cavity . Clear Braces Florida

  6. It's really awesome that the number of kids with cavities is decreasing. I remember almost always having a cavity when I went to visit the dentist as a kid, and it was never fun. I hope that this trend continues. It's definitely good for people to be able to find ways to make these changes when possible.

  7. It's really awesome that the number of kids with cavities is decreasing. I remember almost always having a cavity when I went to visit the dentist as a kid, and it was never fun. I hope that this trend continues. It's definitely good for people to be able to find ways to make these changes when possible.

  8. Cool fun facts and its really encouraging news that now less kids suffer with cavities. But, one thing make me confused in the fun fact i.e. why more people use blue toothbrushes than red ones?..... lol....its really funny and I don't understand the psychology.

    Alex | Dental Guide Australia

  9. Whoa, I can't believe woman smile so much more than men! That must be why they care more about their dental health as well. If you're going to be flashing a grin at everyone who passes by, you better have white teeth.

  10. These are certainly some informative facts. What really surprised me was that people who drink three or more glasses of soda each day have 62% more tooth decay, fillings, and tooth loss than others. As an avid drinker of soda, that really worries me. I'll definitely have to cut back. I'm sure that would make my dentist happy.

    Susan Hirst |

  11. Find best dentist for same day dental implants and get new teeth in one day in Phoenix from Teethinonedayphoenix. Book an Appointment today for remove your dental problems.

  12. Wow, these were all really interesting facts! I had no idea that people spend a total of about 39 days brushing their teeth! That is crazy! Oh, that reminds me! I need to make dentist appointments for my kids!

  13. It’s very important to take proper care of our teeth. Daily brushing and flossing teeth will help to keep our teeth healthy. Also, we should visit our nearest dentist twice in a year for dental checkups & cleaning.Cosmetic Dentist Las Vegas

  14. That was very informative and interesting to read. Thank you for sharing it.
    Dental center Vietnam

  15. Thanks for the fun facts about dentistry and dental hygiene. That's so interesting that move people use blue toothbrushes instead of red. I wonder if it's because red is associated with heat/burning. Your mouth is very sensitive (just think about any time you burned your tongue). Come to think of it, I need to schedule an appointment with my family dentist. Thanks for the fun post.

  16. These dental health facts are really interesting to know. I'm glad that you posted how energy drinks have 11% more sugar than regular sodas. I've been drinking more energy drinks than I usually do, so that would explain why I've been having more cavities than usual. Now that I'm aware of this, I'll try to stop drinking energy drinks to improve my dental health. Thanks for the information!

  17. These dental health facts are really interesting to know. I'm glad that you posted how energy drinks have 11% more sugar than regular sodas. I've been drinking more energy drinks than I usually do, so that would explain why I've been having more cavities than usual. Now that I'm aware of this, I'll try to stop drinking energy drinks to improve my dental health. Thanks for the information!

  18. My wife and I are looking for a more family based dentist that we can take our kids to. We aren't sure what to expect or look for from a dentist like this, so we are doing research to get a basic of idea of what we should do. This article has some great points that I hope can help us figure this all out.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. These are certainly some informative facts. What really surprised me was that people who drink three or more glasses of soda each day have 62% more tooth decay, fillings, and tooth loss than others. As an avid drinker of soda, that really worries me. I'll definitely have to cut back. I'm sure that would make my dentist happy.

    Deepa dj |

  21. Thanks for the informative information to share and to aware people about the fun and facts about dental.
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  22. We know, it’s a chore and alot of times forgetful after brushing if rushing out the door or heading to bed. However, flossing can help you remove food particles and other detrimental substances that brushing regularly cannot. Flossing allows you to reach deep between your teeth where the toothbrush bristles cannot reach or even mouthwash cannot wash away. We recommend flossing at least once a day.

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